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The system boot loader must protect passwords using an MD5 or stronger cryptographic hash.


Finding ID Version Rule ID IA Controls Severity
V-24624 GEN008710 SV-38415r1_rule IAIA-1 IAIA-2 Medium
If system boot loader passwords are compromised, users with console access to the system may be able to alter the system boot configuration or boot the system into single user or maintenance mode, which could result in Denial of Service or unauthorized privileged access to the system.
HP-UX 11.23 Security Technical Implementation Guide 2013-03-28


Check Text ( C-36800r1_chk )
Check Content:
When booting HP-UX, in order to access the Initial System Loader (ISL), the Boot Console Handler (BCH) must be intentionally interrupted. Once interrupted, the console will prompt for ISL access and halt briefly for a reply. If no reply is received, the system will time out and eventually execute the AUTO file. Neither the BCH nor the ISL are password protectable (by vendor design).

This check is not applicable (NA) to HP-UX.
Fix Text (F-32177r1_fix)
Not applicable (NA) to HP-UX.